New Campaign: Better Health with 30 Days of Health

Dordrecht – GGD Zuid-Holland Zuid invites residents in the area to participate in the 30dagengezonder campaign in March. The goal of promotion is to learn a healthy habit of your choice in 30 days. This health campaign has been running successfully for several years in a number of other regions of the Netherlands. Last year nearly 3,000 people and 90% of the participants took up the challenge.

Everyone can think of something more correct for him / her. But … knowledge doesn’t. In practical terms, it is often difficult to choose the healthiest one. The Coronavirus crisis makes us realize once again the importance of a healthy lifestyle. But a healthy lifestyle is an added challenge due to current conditions and measures. GGD Zuid-Holland Zuid helps residents take action for their health in March. Residents choose a practical, concrete challenge that they do every day for 30 days.

Everyone has an impact on their health
Healthy living is much more than just “eating healthy” or “exercising more often”. There are many things you can do on your own to feel healthier. Courtesy, being outside, going to bed on time, or 30 days without alcohol. The goal of the procedure is to break habitual behavior and learn a healthy habit in 30 days. This procedure encourages you to approach the challenge with yourself in a positive way. Everyone, young and old, can participate. on the site There are many ideas for challenges and anyone can register until March 1, 2021. Those who score will receive tips and inspirational tips throughout March. In addition, the experiences of other participants help them persevere. The first 250 participants receive a starter pack. It can also follow the promotion Participants have a chance to win healthy and attractive prizes. Sign up is free.

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Successful in other areas
The campaign is an initiative of GGD Gooi en Vechtstreek in association with GGD Hollands Noorden and GGD Zaanstreek Waterland. This year, GGD Zuid-Holland Zuid is also joining the campaign. Last year nearly 3,000 people participated, including eight schools and twenty-two companies. 90% of respondents keep up with the challenge and have positive experiences with it. Everything is Health and Pando Network are also partners in this campaign.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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