New focus in the environmental program: health and safety first

Photo: Hemmo Kuiper

Groningen – Implementation of the Clean Air Agreement with various projects, advising companies on waste reuse, and prioritizing the control of hazardous materials. These are just a few parts of the environmental program established by the regional executive. With this, the County of Groningen continues its proactive environmental policy and adds emphasis on the basis of new legislation and developments.

MP Tjeerd van Dekken: “We have made great strides and will actively pursue our environmental missions. This is essential because health and safety are important for our residents, but also in major developments such as housing construction or economic activities. Our goal is a clean, healthy, safe, sustainable and livable living environment for all Groningen residents. In words Another, wide prosperity for all our inhabitants.”

Health and safety
One of the distinguishing elements of the environmental program is the theme of the circular economy. The county encourages and advises businesses to reduce industrial waste and transition to a circular economy. This is about reusing waste and upgrading it into new raw materials and products. In addition, clear rules for licensing, supervision and enforcement are essential, so that risks to health, safety, noise and odor are minimized. Additional rules have been established for dangerous substances, the so-called substances of extreme importance (eg PFAS). The goal is to avoid these substances as much as possible. The district also aims to assess environmental aspects early in the decision-making processes and, when necessary, establish environmental standards for each district.

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implementation plan
The environmental program is the plan for implementing the regional environmental vision for the environment component. The starting point for this was the long-term ambitions of the Territory’s Strategic Environmental Agenda. In UNEP, the policy has been translated into practical measures. It is the successor to the 2017-2020 Environmental Plan, which was evaluated and inputs provided. The Environmental Program is valid for an indefinite period of time and will be updated regularly, so that we can continue to respond flexibly to changing legislation, new tasks and, for example, a new environmental vision.


Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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