New round of initiatives “Together for a healthy Middleburg”

Middleburg – Anyone with a good idea of ​​making Middleburg and Middleburger healthier can apply for a budget. The local ban agreement has 30,000 euros to split among the most promising initiatives. You can submit this from 1 October on the platform Do this with a number of collaboration partners.

The Local Prevention Convention seeks ideas under the topics of (less) smoking, (reducing problematic) alcohol use, healthy weight, mental health and physical living environment. Seven initiatives have already been launched this year, and the platform is now open for the next round (Budget 2022). The budget is a one-time incentive budget. You can submit ideas until December 17th. Initiatives approved from this round will be awarded no later than February 1, 2022. Would you like to submit an idea on the platform? Then use the question time. Would you like to explain your initiative orally in a so-called “presentation”? This is also possible. For more information, visit and register yourself.

Healthy and happy residents
Middleburg committed to health: prevention is better than cure! We want to contribute to a healthy and happy population. We can only do this with you as a resident, businessman, member of an association, activists in the field of care, care, education and all kinds of other partners. We have translated this ambition into the local prevention agreement “Together towards a healthier Middelburg”.

make relationships
We make as many contacts as possible in the local blocking agreement in Middleburg. Not only among the various initiators, but also with tackling poverty and deprivation, for example. We combine actions from health policy and connect with other local coalitions such as the Sports Convention, JOGG and Kansrijke Start.

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What requirements should your idea meet?
Budget-qualified ideas and initiatives from the Prevention Convention must (as far as possible): promote positive health, contribute to a theme, be implemented by at least two local cooperation partners, focus on the population (and preferably also the most vulnerable) the municipality of Middelburg, innovative and future-oriented, It meets the needs of the target group, has clear and achievable goals and produces measurable effects.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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