New youth movement of the vegetable seller!

Persistent weight gain

We know the consequences of obesity. Messages appear daily warning us about the consequences of malnutrition and insufficient exercise, among other things. Overweight and obesity have long been on the list of heavyweight companies affecting our healthcare system. In 2019 More than half of Dutch people over the age of 18 were overweight.

The motto is like a stuck record: “Eat wisely, exercise more, lose weight and maintain health.” It appears that a large portion of our population has a hard time living with this. Fortunately, we’re also seeing an opposite movement toward eating all the cheap sugars and fats.

30% more at the vegetable store

As figures from GFK indicate, the company has grown into a veggie seller, specialist in organic meat or a fish store. You can read the article on nu.nlWe go to specialty stores more often. We spend 30 percent more in veggies. The number of clients and the amount we spent there was higher in the last year. The fish shop, baker, and butcher also saw more customers in their stores. Fresh’s interest has also grown in supermarkets.

Supermarkets are taking advantage of this epidemic. We all visit these stores less, but we spend more each time. On the other hand, the vegetable specialist has more buyers than before. What’s striking about the GFK numbers is the growing number of young men taking a turn for a nice batch of radishes. Will this trend last longer? Even if our community is “open” again? Anyway, he is healthier!

Orders from the peasant

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We see a movement in which we raise a mirror to ourselves: Will we continue to consume more or are we setting an eye on ‘health’ and ‘localism’. Brussels (European Union) also has one Farm strategy for branching, To ensure waste and emissions are minimized and products improved. Applications are directly with the farmer, farmer and farmer Doubled in the Netherlands. The percentage of young people who buy directly is even higher. Clear progress.

There are many local initiatives as our food grows and thrives around the corner. Wonderful ‘ecosystems’ gaining ground under current conditions. fairly! Because the locally produced food you pick up straight from the ground nearby, in a cute basket is so much better and healthier and more fun than a mixed salad mix covered in plastic?

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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