Biden: The struggle between democracy and authoritarianism ‘over a cross …

US President Joe Biden said in a foreign policy speech that the battle between democracy and authoritarianism has reached a “critical moment”.

“Many places, including in Europe and the United States, are attacking the progress of democracy,” the president said in a speech broadcast at the Munich Security Conference. The White House released excerpts from the speech.

We are in the midst of a fundamental debate about the future direction of the world. Among those who argue that – in light of all the challenges we face, from the fourth industrial revolution to the global pandemic – authoritarianism is the best way forward, and those who recognize that democracy is necessary to meet these challenges, ”Biden explains.

Historians will study and write about this period. It is an inflection point. The President said: “I am absolutely convinced that democracy must achieve this.

Joe Biden promised the United States to “return” to the international arena, breaking with the policies of his predecessor Donald Trump. Among other things, to restore transatlantic ties, he will participate with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron in the Munich Security Conference, an annual meeting between heads of state, diplomats and security professionals on Friday.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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