No referendum on “abolishing” Queen Elizabeth entertainment

Motley No opposition should be expected in Parliament. Her Labor party has held all 30 seats since 2018. A member of her party, Bishop Joseph JS Aetherly, He even had to “split” from the opposition because the Barbados constitution requires the opposition to occupy at least one seat.

The prime minister wants to make the change to celebrate the 55th anniversary of independence in November 2021. “It is not a break with the monarchy, or a sign of the least respect. exactly the contrary. We have an excellent relationship with the UK and the royal family, but it is time to take the next step in developing Bardados and enhancing the confidence of our people, ”Motley said.

Natural step

I cannot imagine that the UK wants anyone other than a British head of state, or the US wants anyone other than an American. The same is true for Barbados, she told Australian TV channel ABC, so this is just a natural step.

In Australia, which held a referendum in 1999 to abolish the monarchy and then decided to retain the queen anyway, the Barbados proclamation sparked a lot. Debates over the form of government could also get a boost in other Caribbean island states. Jamaica, for example, has been manipulating the idea for years, without taking any concrete steps.

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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