Plastic Soup Surfer Merijn Dinka is a guest on Surfers Paradise again

Merijn Tinga (51) from Leiden, Netherlands, was a guest again at Surfers Paradise on Thursday, July 13, 2023, and not only that. In 2014, he took off with a windsurf board made from nothing but plastic waste. His voyage over the sea took him to Ameland, one of the Wadden Islands, one of the wealthiest of our northern neighbors. Now she’s pulling out all the stops, as she arrives in London on July 19, 2023 from Oslo, Norway, on June 17, 2023 and will be welcomed by British ministers for the North Sea and Environment. , to collect deposits on plastic packaging in the United Kingdom. His surfboard is a little more seaworthy this time, but still has a few plastic bottles strapped to the front nose.

Merry Dinka:
“I remember 9 years ago at Surfers Paradise I was well received and Frank VanLeenhove, a well-known windsurfer from the early days, helped me with advice and activities to bring my trip to a successful conclusion. The way anything can happen: first you have the weather because I am completely dependent on the wind, but You have shipping lanes, harbors, crossings… and you don’t want things to go wrong because I do. All without any guidance. I have a waterproof bag attached to my board with all the necessary amenities. Along the way I sleep down in my boat at night near my board on the beach, early in the morning. It’s now mine to continue the journey.Day 26 at sea I was very happy as I cruised from Westkapelle and Belgium to the island of Walseren and the Belgian Surfers Paradise came into view, yes: Frank was the first person I met on the water! It was nice to be welcomed back today after 75km in Surfers Paradise. Sailing against strong westerly winds was difficult. They are predicting less wind from July 14th, so every day will be different. From here I travel further up the coast towards France and then cross over to England. From there on the Thames towards London, probably my destination after 33 days. I particularly remember the long days at the beginning of my trip on the beaches of Norway and Denmark…sunrises at 4am and sunsets at midnight, which allowed me to stay in the water for long days. Here I am now going to enjoy a lovely warm shower at the Belgian 0% Stella and Surfers Paradise facilities. And then maybe another day on the Belgian coast.”

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If you’d like to follow Merijn Tinga’s adventures and sign her petition online, browse This link.

Ferdinand Woolridge

 "Subtly charming analyst. Beer maven. Future teen idol. Twitter guru. Lifelong bacon fan. Pop culture lover. Passionate social media evangelist."

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