Poor air quality has a negative impact on health

Improving the indoor climate does not seem to be a top priority. For example, research shows that knowledge of the health effects of, for example, gas cooking and CO2 concentration in the bedroom is limited. Only 12% of those surveyed knew that children had a 20% higher risk of developing lung disease in homes where gas cooking compared to electric cooking. And more than half (58%) do not realize that the concentration of particulate matter in the home immediately after baking and roasting can be four times higher than during a day with Beijing smog. But the majority (54%) indicated that they know what it takes to create a healthy indoor climate.

Fully satisfied with the indoor climate

In general, we are also quite satisfied with the indoor climate: respondents gave it an average of 7. Meanwhile, 1 in 7 homes does not meet the WHO advisory standard (2005) for a healthy indoor climate, according to the research. by TNO. So this applies to nearly 500,000 homes in the Netherlands. “The level of knowledge has not yet reached the standard level and yet the Dutch are quite satisfied with the air in their homes. This is cause for concern. Unknown may make unpopular. Although small adjustments in the home can do a lot for our health,” explains Pete. Jacobs, senior researcher at TNO.

Looking for information to improve

Half of consultants (49%) believe that the indoor climate in their offices is healthy. This is evidenced by a Nationale-Nederlanden survey of nearly 200 consultants. Nearly a quarter (23%) are looking for information about actions they can take to improve this. When it comes to their work, the vast majority (63%) seem to want to advise clients about a healthy indoor climate. They indicate that they need clear information with which they can provide customers with information about buying or renovating a home.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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