Portium lecturer Inge Kramer makes mental health a topic of discussion among young people in secondary education

Lecturer at Portium in Lelystad surprised Inge Kramer last Wednesday with a special tape of her own efforts within the project Is the stitch loose? The project aims to make conversations about mental health more accessible.

On behalf of initiator and project leader Ellen Spangers of the De Baggage Carrier Foundation, Kramer received the Special Award from Janet Eiken of Bureau Equal Treatment Flevoland. A beautiful tribute to her special commitment to youth in secondary education, through which Kramer makes a valuable contribution to this project.

Kramer was visibly surprised and said, “At school you learn different subjects, but it’s also important to know how important it is to feel good about yourself and what you can do if that’s not the case. So the learning is much better. I hope to be able to contribute a little bit to that and I’m glad to have I appreciate that ‘.

In the project ‘A stitch loose? ’, which Kramer has been working on since 2019, developed a game of the same name that could be used to discuss mental health in an accessible way. More than 100 students and 12 teachers at Porteum have started working with the game in the classroom and have been very positive about it.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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