Pro-Beijing candidates won Hong Kong’s latest parliamentary election amid growing concerns that China is suppressing freedoms in the city.
Some candidates calling for a “guaranteed victory” at a polling station in which turnout was just over 30 percent, half the turnout in 2016, said: Reuters the name of the thing.
“But 1.35 million came out to vote – you can’t say it wasn’t … an election that didn’t get much support from the people,” Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam said on Monday. Although Lamm admitted that turnout was low, she did not explain why, according to the news service.
Meanwhile, some have argued that the turnout is an indication of legitimacy, especially given China’s recently passed national security law and the imprisonment or exile of Hong Kong Democratic candidates who have expressed interest in running for office, Reuters added.
Only “national” candidates were allowed in, prompting some, including a group of joint foreign leaders, to participate. Drafting condemns the elections.
“We, the Foreign Ministers of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, and the United States Secretary of State, having learned of the results of the Legislative Council elections in Hong Kong, express our deep concern about the erosion of the democratic elements and electoral system of the Special Administrative Region,” the joint statement said.
“Actions that undermine Hong Kong’s rights and freedoms and a high degree of autonomy threaten our shared desire for Hong Kong’s success,” she added.