Proverbs and couch necklaces draw attention to mental health (boom)

Abdel Hagoti ships in one of the banks’ hangars. © rr


Boom also runs a number of campaigns to mark the Ten Days of Mental Health. Among other things, sayings and quotes on windows and “sofa hangers” on a number of sofas attract attention to mental well-being.

“Usually we only talk about mental health when things are not going well,” says Abdelhagoti (CD&V) local council member for health policy. “That is why it is so important and necessary to work on mental health before problems arise. That is what we want to do with these measures.”


One of the “couch ties”.© rr

“For example, you can find sayings or quotes on windows in various places in the municipality to encourage passersby. You can also look for different sofa hangers. After all, benches are not only comfort points, but also meeting places for young and old. Providing Warm Williamboxes for schools to get started.”

“Finally, in December, there will be a lecture by Dirk de Wachter and Edgard Eckmann on patient empowerment. We make a heartfelt appeal to all Tree residents to participate in the #Samenresilient actions.”


See also  The Minister of Health has been criticized for making statements about mental health

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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