Putin’s poor attitude is raising questions about his health once again

Rumors resurfaced about the ill health of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 69. The reason is the photos of his meeting with his defense minister, in which Putin looks very bad.

Putin sat down with his Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu on Thursday to discuss military strategy toward the Ukrainian port city of Mariupol.

The Kremlin later distributed photos of it, but many onlookers basically saw two men who both looked very shabby, again fueling rumors that Putin would be seriously ill.

A Russian journalist wrote in early April that Putin was suffering from cancer. The Kremlin denied this at the time. But according to the British and American media, many Western intelligence services are also convinced that Putin is seriously ill. This would partly explain why he has been living so secluded in recent months, limiting few meetings.

Opinions differ about what exactly is wrong with the Russian president. In Thursday’s photos, the Russian president is seen sitting in his chair with his right hand holding the corner of the table almost the entire time. He also seems to be unable to keep his feet steady, which rises and falls all the time.

According to British politician Louise Minch, this may indicate that Putin has Parkinson’s disease. “The fact that he holds the table in one hand categorically is a guarantee that no one will see his trembling hand,” said Minch.

Earlier this month, there were reports that Putin had thyroid cancer, and some also pointed to Putin’s swollen face, which may be a symptom of this cancer.

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Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said reports of Putin’s ill health were “pure fiction”. (work)

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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