Queen Elizabeth II is the second longest-serving monarch to date Now

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth is one step closer to breaking the ‘world record’ of the longest-lived monarch. Today she is exactly 70 years old and 126 days queen. It is on par with King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who died in 2016.

Elizabeth now has only one name. The ‘Sun King’ Louis XIV of France ruled from 1643 to 1715 and thus sat on the throne for 72 years and 110 days. On May 25, 2024 the British Queen will equal that record. That was in 713 days.

Elizabeth, 96, celebrated her Platinum Government anniversary last weekend with four days of parades, street parties and other events across the UK and Commonwealth.

The Commonwealth was made up of British colonies and so-called montane territories that still symbolize Elizabeth as head of state. Besides the United Kingdom, Elizabeth is officially the President of Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Jamaica.

Queen Wilhelmina was the longest-serving Dutch monarch. He sat on the Dutch throne for 57 years and 286 days between 1890 and 1948.

Leaders of sovereign nations (until June 12, 2022) are long-serving

  • 1. King Louis XIV, France – 72 years, 110 days
  • 2. Queen Elizabeth II, United Kingdom – 70 years, 126 days
  • 2. King Earth, Thailand – 70 years, 126 days
  • 4. Prince Johann II, Liechtenstein – 70 years, 91 days
  • 5. Ajaw Pacal I, Palenque (Mayan State) – 68 years, 33 days
  • 6. Emperor Franz Joseph I, Austria-Hungary – 67 years, 355 days
  • 7. King Ferdinand III, Sicily – 65 years, 90 days
  • 8. Queen Victoria, United Kingdom – 63 years, 216 days
  • 9. King James I, Aragon – 62 years, 319 days
  • 10. Emperor Showa, Japan – 62 years, 13 days
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‘No manual’ for her milestone

The Queen thanked everyone after the festivities surrounding her anniversary, “for the beautiful news and for your participation in these fun parties.”

For her, there is no “guide” to her rare milestone. “But I am humbled and deeply saddened that so many have taken to the streets to celebrate my platinum anniversary,” he wrote.

Due to her poor health, Elizabeth was unable to attend all the ceremonies organized for her family. The Queen is no longer on the move and had to rest after attending the first day of the annual military parade, Trooping the Color.

Ferdinand Woolridge

 "Subtly charming analyst. Beer maven. Future teen idol. Twitter guru. Lifelong bacon fan. Pop culture lover. Passionate social media evangelist."

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