Radical neoliberal Liz Truss becomes the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

In the Queen Elizabeth II Centre, party leader Graham Brady announced that he had received 81,326 votes from party members, 20,000 more than his rival Sunak. That’s 57.4 percent of the vote, compared to Johnson’s 66.4 percent in 2019. As he took over the leadership, he had kind words for Boris Johnson, who is spending his last full working day in the country of checkers. “Boris, you delivered Brexit, crushed Jeremy Corbyn, delivered the vaccine and stood up to Putin.”

The result was no surprise: Truss had been ahead in the polls for weeks amid a support base of more than 170,000 members. He is seen as a standard bearer of Thatcherism, especially given his radical and neoliberal outlook on economic terms. In his short acceptance speech, he emphasized his party’s belief in “freedom, the ability to lead your own life, low taxes and personal responsibility.”

With Truss, Britain will become the third female prime minister after Margaret Thatcher and Theresa May. Truss became better than his rival Sunak among the old Tories, who was seen as a representative of the established order. He was also accused of stabbing Johnson in the back. Truss, an Oxford alumnus who worked as an accountant at Shell and a director of a telecommunications company, is a victory for neoliberal breccias.

In The Sunday Telegraph Mark Littlewood, boss of a Thatcherite think tank, predicted that Truss would become “one of the most radical prime ministers in a century”. On Brexit, Truss, until today foreign secretary, is expected to take a harder line with the EU than his predecessor over the dispute over Northern Ireland. She is a hawk in reaching out to Russia and China.

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Tax break this week

The new prime minister faces an energy and purchasing power crisis that threatens to destabilize the country. He said he will announce pain relief measures this week. He is said to be bringing in a £100 billion bailout to keep citizens warm and save companies from collapse. He is said to have already reached an agreement with his good friend, neighbor and soulmate, Kwasi Kwarteng, who is said to be the finance minister.

Truss’s election was not necessarily favorable to Europe. He is a born Brexiteer and is supported by older and younger generations of Eurosceptics. He is expected to take on the EU, which could lead to a trade conflict with Europe.

Boris Johnson calls for unity

In this case, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has also responded to this news. The current Prime Minister has called on her Conservative Party members to back her successor Liz Truss “one hundred per cent”. “I know he has the right plan to overcome a life-long crisis, unite our party, and unite and improve our country. It’s time for all Conservatives to give him 100 per cent support,” the outgoing prime minister tweeted.

Ferdinand Woolridge

 "Subtly charming analyst. Beer maven. Future teen idol. Twitter guru. Lifelong bacon fan. Pop culture lover. Passionate social media evangelist."

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