Recordings of “Aquaman 2” quickly begin with a mysterious work title

At the end of 2018, James Wan’s movie Aquaman was an unexpected big success. The DC Extended Universe movie that followed Justice Squad It has scored over a billion at the box office worldwide. A sequel will be announced soon, at the end of 2022.

That year is fast approaching and so the cameras must start quickly. According to Discussing Film, Aquaman 2 will begin filming in the UK this coming June, and there is a working title: Nekro.

Although the action titles often say nothing about the movie itself, Necrus, like Atlantis, is an underwater world in the capital, whose existence is much less stable. The so-called “black city” is led by the tyrant Mongo and the inhabitants live in oppression. In the comics there were fights between Nickros and Atlantis.

Aquaman 2 in 2022
Director Wan indicated earlier that the second movie would have a more horrifying feel and Mongo could play a certain role in it. Incidentally, the spin-offs also have to be done The trench They appear, although we’ve heard little about it lately.

With no less than Jason Momoa once again as the underwater superhero Arthur Curry also known as Aquaman, the second part is set to take place on December 16, 2022.

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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