Schoolgirls poisoned again in Iran | outside

Schoolgirls in Iran have been poisoned again. Iranian media reported that cases have been reported in at least five provinces.

Dozens of young girls were taken to hospitals in the provinces of Hamedan (west), Zanjan and West Azerbaijan (northwest), Fars (south) and El Bawar (north), according to the Tasnim and Mehr news agencies.

The school children suffered from breathing problems, dizziness or headaches. Their general health is not too bad considering the conditions. Hundreds of poisoning cases have been reported in recent months, especially in the city of Qom.

Parents are worried

The mysterious case led to great concern among the parents. They urged the authorities to intervene.

President Ibrahim Raisi called on the Iranian ministries of interior and intelligence to take measures to “thwart the enemy’s plot.” “It is clear that the aim is to sow fear and despair among the population,” she added. An Iranian health ministry official said last week that “some individuals” wanted to close “primarily girls’ schools” with their actions.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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