Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland want to stay in the Erasmus program | abroad

The governments of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are exploring the possibility of continuing to participate in the Erasmus + European exchange program. Here’s what Welsh Education Minister Kirsty Williams said Monday. As a result of Brexit, the government of Boris Johnson withdrew the United Kingdom from the Erasmus + program, but this does not satisfy three of the four countries.

After the European Union and the United Kingdom signed a trade agreement on Christmas Eve, it became known that Prime Minister Johnson was withdrawing the UK from the Erasmus + program. He wants to replace it with his British exchange program named after mathematician Alan Turing. The Turing Plan was to be launched in September.

However, the constituent countries of the United Kingdom were not formed by Johnson’s decision. If that depends on the governments of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, they will continue to participate in the Erasmus + program. They are currently exploring their options. Welsh Minister Williams said more engagement should be “through the UK”. The fact that the three countries no longer belong to the European Union does not necessarily pose a problem.

Secretary Williams describes the Turing program as a poor alternative to Erasmus +. “I am really looking at all options to ensure that Welsh youth are not aggravated by this decision, which the government should not have taken,” she said. Williams is also looking at ways to improve the Turing program.

England, the largest of the four countries in the United Kingdom, does not have its own government and parliament and is administered directly by the Johnson government.

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Amber Webster

 "Freelance zombie fanatic. Devoted web advocate. Analyst. Writer. Coffee fanatic. Travelaholic. Proud food aficionado."

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