Sick leave in health and care

This position is based on the position signed below in Municipal Council 11.11, regarding the handling of Case 82 – Four Months Report.

Perhaps many were concerned about working conditions for health and care workers after reading the Norwegian Nurses Association survey (ÅA 20.10) and flagship store manager position Audhild Mølmen (ÅA 28.10). I would be extra concerned if the Q2 four-month report shows a 15.9% absenteeism rate in GGD. This is a very high road, and it was very high and very long. Now we have to take it down, preferably yesterday!

The Norwegian Nurses Association has mapped the planned and actual recruitment of nurses and health professionals:

These are some of the worst numbers we’ve seen

The county leader of the Norwegian Nurses Association issued a warning after an investigation this spring found that the health center was employing too many unskilled people.

Most people have probably noticed that there has been some resentment and experience with poor work environment among health and care workers. This is in contrast to the reality that the government presents to us as politicians. That’s why Rauma SV reached out to the store’s lead nurse to get answers about how employees actually experience their workday. We have received many comprehensive responses from both the main store host and the site store manager.

The common response of store managers is that employees feel that they have not been seen or heard by their managers. They describe an unpredictable work day without adequate follow-up and communication. They are experiencing that they are not sufficiently knowledgeable or able to participate. They also feel that they are not sufficiently recognized for their work.

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I have just completed a study of chronically ill patients with stress disorders, as part of a master’s project. One of the results of my research has been recognition and communication, as critical factors in improving health. To experience that you have a workplace with a good work environment, where you are recognized for the work you do, where you participate and communicate well and feel part of a positive community, it is critical for employees to thrive and stay healthy.

Ensuring that these factors are in place will make working in this service more attractive in the future. And last but not least, there are procedures that don’t cost a cent. It just requires awareness and action!

Therefore, both SP and SV made the following additional proposals during the meeting:

1. The management, in co-operation with the store hosts, should develop a plan for the improvement of the healthy and caring working environment for the employees. The plan was presented to the city council at its February meeting

2. When working on reorganization under care and care, management should focus on good communication with the employees and their participation in the whole process.

The motion passed by 14 (SP, SV, KRF, U) to 12 votes.

The proposal was criticized by the right to distrust the administration. this is not true. We have great confidence in the management and the work they do. We also have a lot of respect for the fact that it was very demanding with the major and necessary restructuring that was and is still happening in healthcare. The Head of Care was consistent and objective throughout the storm. However, we can’t help but listen to the employees and take their personal experiences in their daily work very seriously.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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