Slay The Spire has become a board game

Here is the best news of 2021 so far: Slaughter the Spire It is adapted into a board game. Mega Crit Games’ mini deck building roguelike tabletop handling will turn into a four-player cooperative adventure. Just like the video game, you will have to make a ship deck and collect relics in order to defeat the bad guys, and in the end kill that spire.

This is exactly the kind of recovery I needed at the start of a very bleak New Year.

Slay The Spire has been my gateway to deck makers, and I am absolutely delighted that it is branching out into the world of board games. Slay The Spire: The Board Game is made by Contention Games (who also made Imperium: The Contention), and they’re launching a Kickstarter for it this spring.

Details are subtle yet, however Site of contention He says STS will be 1 to 4 player, take 45 minutes to play for each player, and will be a “co-op adventure deck building”.

“Create a unique deck, encounter strange creatures, spot relics of immense strength, and finally become powerful enough to kill The Spire!” They say. This is the basic description of the video game as well, so hopefully it’s a familiar experience.

The fact that it has one to four players suggests to me that we might be able to play like each of the four characters currently in the video game; Ironclad, the Silent (Best Girl), Blemish and Observer. It would be nice if they made cute little figurines of them all to push around the board. I’ve always wondered what Slay The Spire co-op might look like. Oh my God, I’m really really excited about this.

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If for some reason you haven’t played Slay The Spire (The Video Game), leave now and do so. We think it is one of The best computer games For 2020, plus one of The greatest computer games Of the decade. Our Slay The Spire review I call it the “design miracle,” and I really couldn’t improve it myself.

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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