Sports and health | These facilities receive gaming equipment in Harstad

In total, facilities in Harstad, Kfifjord and Gildsund will receive just over NOK 8.7 million.

The county council distributes NOK 84.8 million in sports, living and physical activity facilities in Troms and Finnmark.

Slots make an important contribution to business operations so that more people can be physically active in well-organized facilities and spaces. Municipalities, teams and associations in the area are showing a great willingness to build facilities, says Ann Torrell Eriksen Balto, a city council member for Planning, Economy and Culture.

There are several facilities in Harstad, Tjeldsund and Kvæfjord for which grant applications have been approved. In total, it is just over 8.7 million NOK.

Many facilities

In all, 76 of the 181 approved applications were fully or partially complied with.

– This indicates that the need for money for sports and exercise facilities is far greater than what the available framework can meet, says council member Eriksen Balto.

Allocations for expensive utilities lead to fluctuations in how different areas perform in annual allocations. With money accumulating, many applicants still have to wait for play money to make payments for the following years.

Examples of large, expensive facilities are the multi-purpose halls, gymnasiums and football halls in Harstad.

These normal allowances received are:

  • Harstad Municipality, Harstad School, activity hall/gymnasium – 2,100,000 NOK
  • Landsås Idrettspark AS, 11-lane artificial turf football lighting system – NOK 640,000
  • Harstad municipality, Harstad stadium, garage – 431,000 NOK
  • Harstad municipality, Stangnes Idrettspark, tool box and warehouse building – NOK 579,000
  • Harstad municipality, Harstad stadium, lighting system for 11 football fields with artificial turf – 875,000 NOK
  • Harstad municipality, Känybogen stadium, ice rink in lighting facility and activity facility – NOK 875,000
  • Harstad municipality, Hålogalandhallen, new synthetic turf for 7 footballers – NOK 542,000
  • Sollifjellet Alpinsenter AS, Gabahoek Road 2 – 275,000 NOK
  • Fjell Skilag, Trøssemark ski area, new club – 563,000 NOK
  • IL Santor, Tjeldsund, Sandstrand School, 7 football fields with artificial turf – 750,000 NOK
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These local environmental facilities are funded:

  • Harstad municipality, Folkeparken activity park in Harstad – 300,000 NOK
  • Harstad O-team, Bjørnmyra-Kilbotn o-kart – 55,000 NOK
  • Harstad O-team, Sørvik o-kart – 61,000 NOK
  • Social Welfare Association Mustapartajordet, Harstad, local environmental facility – 300,000 NOK
  • Austerfjord Rural Development Team, Kvæfjord, Melåa Local Environment Facility – 300,000 NOK
  • Skånland OIF, Tjeldsund, bale ring with artificial grass – NOK 71,000

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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