Spotify is working on a system that allows you to continue listening to music offline

Spotify is testing a new feature called “Your Offline Mix”. With this function, you will be able to continue listening to music even if you do not have an internet connection. To be clear, this concerns music that you have not previously downloaded, because of course this possibility has existed for some time.

that it Spotify— CEO Daniel Eck himself who shared a screen print of the new feature the music streaming service is working on. In it we see the song “You Spotify Mix” with the accompanying caption “a mix of songs that have been played recently when the vibe is good, but the connection is bad”. The print screen playlist is 3.5 hours long, though it’s not clear if that’s the case for everyone.

Without loading

At this point you can Spotify Already download specific playlists or albums so that you can also listen to them offline. This function is very useful as a backup if you suddenly have problems with the Internet, but also for example on planes when traveling.

However, this function has a drawback that you should always remember to download the appropriate songs in advance. However, many people discover new music regularly and don’t download it right away. If suddenly there is no internet, you are limited in what you can listen to.

Your offline mix

This is why Spotify is currently testing Your Offline Mix, a feature that will be in development since 2020. It is not immediately clear when the new feature will be rolled out worldwide. Since Ek himself has now announced the news regarding it, we suspect an official release won’t be long in the future. On social media, people who can already test the feature are responding very positively.

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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