Stormy weather on the road: winds of up to 110 km per hour, activate the emergency number


The Republic of the Marshall Islands is warning of stormy weather over the coming days, with gusts of up to 110 kilometers per hour. So the FPS is temporarily activating 1722 for storm and water damage. In the UK, weather services are already talking about two storm depressions called ‘Dudley’ and ‘Eunice’.

In the UK, they are preparing for two stormy depressions. “Its leftovers can find their way into our country,” says Nicholas Rose of NoodweerBenelux. “It is still too early to accurately predict, but there is a good chance that areas of heavy rain and strong winds will need to be dealt with.”

Weatherman Frank Deboosere confirms that storms are on the way, but stresses that there are no major problems expected in our country. “Ireland and Scotland in particular can anticipate storm damage and inconvenience, and we’d be less affected by that,” he says. “It can get much more severe in the Netherlands, just think of the Wadden Islands, than it is in our country.”

The expected stormy weather is caused by an active jet stream in the Atlantic Ocean, which determines the weather pattern in Western Europe.

Possible gusts of wind in the UK on Friday

Possible gusts of wind in the UK on Friday © Severe weather

“This jet stream is very active and feeds areas of low pressure. By Thursday and Friday, the jet stream will head towards the UK, where two low pressure areas will develop.” “Currently, there is little consensus in weather models about the intensity of wind gusts in our country, but it is certainly possible to reach 100 or 120 km per hour on the Belgian and Dutch coasts, and possibly inland as well.

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Good for wind turbines

A positive note in bad weather is the effect on our energy. “It’s about a good influx of the West,” Debusser says. “That means we get a lot of wind, which is good for wind turbines. They’re going to do really well, and they’re 30 to 40 percent of our energy.” And according to weather experts, the air quality will also be good. “Temperatures remain moderate throughout the year.”

For non-urgent storm and water damage that needs firefighting assistance, you can call 1722 or submit a request via the online counter at Call 112 only for potentially life-threatening situations.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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