Study: “Omicron may mean an imminent end to the epidemic”

“Omikron may herald the end of the epidemiological phase of the Covid epidemic.” A team of South African scientists concluded this after analyzing hospitalizations at Steve Pelko Academic Hospital in Pretoria.

The omikron variant spreads remarkably quickly, but is less pathogenic, according to the researchers.

The number of people admitted to intensive care or who died is significantly lower than in the delta variable. Therefore, the researchers concluded that the oomicron may initiate in the endemic phase. At the time, the coronavirus was still circulating regularly, but it no longer caused major problems – a little comparable to the annual flu season.

Their research found that only 4.5 percent of all patients admitted to hospital with Covid-19 died. In previous waves, that number was still 21 percent. In addition, fewer people were admitted to intensive care (1 percent compared to 4.3 percent earlier) and hospitalizations were much shorter: an average of 4 days compared to 8.8 days in previous waves.

In their study, scientists examined 466 patients. It was compared with 3976 patients from previous waves.

The omikron variant spreads remarkably quickly, but is less unwell, according to the researchers, and the number of people admitted to intensive care or who died is significantly lower than the number of people admitted to intensive care. Therefore, the researchers concluded that the oomicron may initiate in the endemic phase. At the time, the coronavirus was still circulating regularly, but it no longer caused major problems – a little comparable to the annual flu season. Their research found that only 4.5 percent of all patients admitted to hospital with Covid-19 died. In previous waves, that number was still 21 percent. In addition, fewer people were admitted to intensive care (1 percent compared to 4.3 percent earlier) and hospitalizations were much shorter: an average of 4 days compared to 8.8 days in previous waves. In their study, scientists examined 466 patients. It was compared with 3976 patients from previous waves.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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