Susan Sturthilder found the harmonica solo with VVAL “very exciting” | RTL Street

Susanne Storthilder (31), part of the singing duo Susanne & Frick, found playing the harmonica during De Vrienden van Amstel Live (VVAL) “very exciting”. The singer wrote this on Instagram on Sunday. She’s proud of herself for doing it anyway.

“We watched the VVAL show together on the couch and were allowed to sing ‘Passion’ with Clouseau and Guus Meeuwis,” she wrote on the medium. “A huge honour, but very exciting for me because it involves a solo harmonica that I was allowed to play. For the first time on a type of harmonica that I had never played before, I practiced for weeks until blisters appeared on my lips.” “.

I found it very exciting every evening “because a little voice comes into your head saying: ‘Tonight something is going to go wrong and we’re going to miss you.’” It may not have been ideal, but I did it for 14 evenings, so I’m very proud that I overcame the stress!”

The singer explains that she wanted to share this “because people often think that we/I don’t find things exciting because we’re on such big stages.” “But I think so. You might also find something very sexy, don’t let the voice in your head let you, that’s what I try too. Even if you have to wear a clean shirt after the performance because of the sweat.”

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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