Swimming is very healthy for you: “Your whole body is in motion” – getting out


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When it’s too hot this summer to go running or cycling, swimming can offer the solution تقدم. A refreshing dip also has health benefits. Even if you are overweight or have a disability. “It’s a very simple way to build your fitness,” says sports physician Els van der Ede.

After fitness, running, football and tennis, swimming is one of the most practiced sports in the Netherlands. It is especially popular among women. 6.4 percent of them are declining regularly, according to figures from Statistics Netherlands (CBS). This percentage is lower among men: 3.4%.

Locked from the outside world for a while

“It’s very comfortable in the water.” Sports Dr. Els van den Eede is full of enthusiasm when she talks about sports. As an active triathlete, she knows the benefits of swimming like no other. “Swimming is really my favorite part. You are cut off from the outside world for a while, just with your thoughts.” She continues with a laugh, “This might sound a little vague, but you wouldn’t get distracted in the water. For example, you’d never have to consider traffic.”

Van den Eede regularly decides to stop by the pool after a day’s work. “Real” swimmers always go to the water in the morning before work. It’s great to start the day like this, but for me it just doesn’t get along with the family. It’s also nice to swim after work. All the stress of the day fades away from the first dive. Delicious. When I come back Coming home, I’m not failing on the couch, but I’m full of energy.”

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Load a little, burn a lot

According to Van den Eede, swimming also has many benefits for people who are overweight. Compared to running or cycling, your body must absorb fewer strokes. “When running, your foot absorbs twice your body weight with each step. If you are overweight, it can cause problems,” explains the sports doctor. “Swimming is much less taxing. You are ten times lighter in water.”

Although it doesn’t feel heavy, you can burn a lot of calories by swimming. “You use your whole body,” says van den Ede. “It moves a lot differently than when you spin a lot, for example. Just look at these Tour de France riders. Then you see really strong legs and a very thin upper body.”

“For half an hour of swimming at a normal pace, you burn about 400 calories. That corresponds to half an hour of running, but not everyone can last that long. So swimming is an easy way to build fitness.”

Less restrictive in the water

Swimming is also an ideal sport for people with disabilities. “It also has to do with the fact that you weigh much less in water,” van den Ede explains. “It also has mental benefits. In the water you are less limited compared to others.

Therefore, often these people are not inferior to other swimmers. At the end of summer, take a look at the swimming competition during the Paralympic Games. Once in the water, it’s hard to notice that these swimmers are Paralympic athletes.”

Swimming 2

in the fresh air

You can choose to finish your courses in the pool, but there are also plenty of places to swim outdoors. The open water temperature is often slightly cooler than the pool temperature. “Around this time, it starts to warm up a bit, but in general it is much cooler outside than inside,” van den Ede says. “This can have positive effects, as you burn more calories in cold water, but it can also be dangerous You have to be careful not to get too low in temperature, especially in winter.”

And always make sure the distance to the edge isn’t too great, van den Ede adds. “If you’re totally exhausted, it’s still possible to get out of the water.” The Rescue Brigade also warns of the latter. Even if you’re a fanatical runner or a soccer player, swimming really requires a different kind of condition,” spokesperson and swimming instructor Sander Zilstra previously told Kassa.
Natural waters can carry more risks. For example, watch out for blue-green algae or food poisoning. On Zwemwater.nl You can check if the water you want to swim in is safe.

Craving a healthy snack

Because of the many calories you burn, you also feel hungry faster. According to sports physician Van den Ede, this is not a problem. “Yes, you do burn calories, but the mental benefits of exercise are also important for making healthy choices. Exercising makes you relaxed and energetic. That goes for swimming twice as fast. You can do it faster when you’re less comfortable in your skin. When you feel good, you’ll find that it’s You are more likely to have an apple than a bag of chips.”

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Swimming is too expensive

However, there are plenty of ways to cut costs. Many pools offer off-peak discounts or charge lower fees for children and seniors. You do not usually have to pay an entrance fee for babies and young children. If you’ve learned it and like to go swimming a lot, it’s always a good idea to use a subscription or shower card.

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Read more here about four GLI programs that are reimbursed from basic insurance. Call your doctor to see if you qualify for a GLI and/or a referral.

Sources: CBS, RIVM, Sportzorg, Mulier Institute, RTL Nieuws

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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