The biggest stars in the craziest suits: These celebs also ventured into “The Masked Singer” | The Masked Singer

celebritiesEvery Friday evening we collectively sit on the edge of our seats during the reveal on VTM’s “The Masked Singer”. It is often surprising that Asma hides behind these masks. But this is nothing compared to the international stars who have taken part in the foreign versions of this popular TV show. From Ryan Reynolds to Kelly Osbourne: these global celebrities also took up the challenge. “You can’t see, you can’t breathe, you can’t hear, you can’t think. There was no oxygen in it, I panicked. It was the worst experience of my life.”

Melanie ‘Seahorse/Jellyfish’ Brown (UK/Spain, 2021): A Tough Secret

Mel B, 47, is so far the only Spice Girl who loved wearing a suit for “The Masked Singer.” In fact, Scary Spice participated in the TV show twice in 2021. In the UK it was hidden behind a seahorse mask, in Spain it was a jellyfish. There, Melanie performed “Spice Up Your Life” by the popular girl group. “At first I didn’t want to be involved, but when I watched some of the episodes, I thought it was very entertaining.” She just had a hard time with secrecy. “It’s very hard for me to keep a secret, but I haven’t told anyone. Not even to my kids and my mom.”

Ryan Reynolds “Unicorn” (South Korea, 2018): A traumatic experience

Ryan Reynolds, 46, co-hosted “The Masked Singer” in South Korea, designing the TV format at the time. No Western had ever taken part in the popular show there, so it was quite a surprise that the American actor was wearing a unicorn suit. Ryan said, “I was in South Korea doing a trailer for Deadpool 2, and at one point I asked, ‘What’s the weirdest thing we could do?'” That was then the Masked Singer, before he came to America. I immediately said: “We will do it.” But when I was in this studio, all I could think was, why did I sign up? This is really terrible! Yes, it was a traumatic experience.” Ryan sang some hard rock songs, and also sang “Tomorrow” from the musical “Annie.”

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Kelly ‘Ladybug’ Osbourne (USA, 2019): Keep Calm for Dad

Kelly Osbourne, 38, put viewers on the wrong track with a false Southern accent, but seven episodes later the TV personality is still unmasked as Ladybug. “I really wanted to be on the first season of ‘The Masked Singer,’ but it coincided with my first year of sobriety after my alcohol addiction and I wasn’t ready for it,” Kelly told Entertainment Weekly. “Besides, I haven’t sung for a long time, so nerves are screaming through my body.” She also had to keep her lips tight the whole time. Even to her dad, Ozzy Osbourne. “Dad is a real gossip, he’d tell everyone because he’s so proud of his daughter. Yeah, he likes to brag.”

La Toya Jackson (USA, 2019): Exposing Prejudice

La Toya Jackson (66), the older sister of the late pop star Michael Jackson, hid behind an Alien mask. After her exposure, she said, “I got involved because people always have prejudices about me, because I come from a certain family.” “I wanted to show that not only did my fame make my career, and I just see how far I can go with just my voice. We haven’t known our anonymity for so long! And it was nice to be unknown again.”

Tori spelling ‘Unicorn/Poodle/Cat’ (US, 2019 – Australia, 2022 – France, 2022): Good for self-confidence

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The biggest fan of “The Masked Singer” is undoubtedly Tori Spelling (49). First the “Beverly Hills 90210” actress wore a unicorn suit in America, then a pink poodle in Australia and in France she was on stage as Cat. “Participating in the ‘Masked Singer’ in France was a great experience. Singing in front of an audience was my biggest fear, but this TV show gave me the confidence to be on stage again.”

William ‘Ridder’ Shatner (USA, 2022): No oxygen and panic attacks

“The Masked Singer was way more intense than my trip to space,” Star Trek actor William Shatner, 92, told Entertainment Weekly. He was dressed in a knight’s suit, on a golden goose. “It looked great, but wearing it was horrible. You couldn’t see, you couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t hear, you couldn’t think… There was no oxygen in it, I panicked. It was the worst experience of my life. The only positive thing is that I managed From giving a great promotion for my new projects with this TV show.”

Dick “Caboter” Van Dyke (USA, 2023): He Never Gets Old

The legendary and beloved revelation in the history of the “Masked Singer” came from Dick Van Dyke. The 97-year-old (!) Hollywood legend, made famous to us from the movie “Mary Poppins,” wore a capotter suit. “This is the strangest thing I’ve ever done in my career,” the American actor told Entertainment Weekly. “I was sure no one would ever guess that I was. You don’t expect a 97-year-old on a show like that. So I knew I was going to fool them. They were so amazed. I walked out and everyone’s mouth opened. I think some people thought I was dead.”

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Kirstie ‘Baby Mammoth’ Alley (USA, 2022): Her final role

Last year, Kirstie Alley died of colon cancer at the age of 71, but a few months ago the “Cheers” actress could still be seen in The Masked Singer as Baby Mammoth. “Ten years ago, I knew I had to continue to combine my career with non-daily challenges, or it would be too boring,” Kirsty said after her exposure, and “The Masked Singer” fits that picture perfectly. “But I’m glad I’ll never wear that outfit again.”

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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