The British will no longer be allowed to participate in local elections in EU countries

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Even if they had lived there before Brexit, the British would no longer be allowed to run in local elections in EU member states. This was confirmed by the European Court of Justice on Thursday.

gjsSource: Belka

British citizens will no longer enjoy union citizen status or, more specifically, the right to vote and run as candidates in municipal elections in the member state, the court said in a statement.

EU citizens can participate in local elections in their member country. Until then it was the same for the English. The court ruled that the loss of that right was “an automatic consequence of the UK’s sovereign decision to withdraw from the European Union.”


A British woman has been living in France since 1984 and was denied permission to run in the March 2020 local elections. In the same year, the United Kingdom withdrew from the EU.

The British woman is in a special situation as she is not allowed to vote in the UK. This is because the British lose their right to vote if they have lived abroad for 15 years.

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