The communist candidate in the French presidential elections for the first time in fifteen years | abroad

After an absence of 15 years, the French Communist Party will again participate in the French presidential elections next year. On Sunday, the party raised its leader, Fabien Roussel, on the shield as a candidate.

About 43,000 party members voted online between Friday and Sunday. More than 82 percent supported Russell, who had previously been suggested by party cadres.

“I do not accept an unhealthy scenario in which the presidential elections are frozen in a duel between the incumbent president and the far right,” Russell said on Sunday. He had been elected party leader in 2018 with a promise that the Communist Party would have another candidate in 2022.

Marie-George Buffett was the last candidate for the Communist Party in the 2007 presidential elections. He then received only 1.93 percent of the vote, which led to the party’s withdrawal from the 2012 and 2017 elections. The Communists called on their members to support Jean-Luc Milencheon of the “La Frances” party. Lefty.

Nevertheless, the Communist Party realizes that holding presidential elections is the best way to “exist” on the national political stage and be picked up by the media.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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