The Gmail mobile app translates emails into Dutch

No more cutting and pasting into Deepl or Google Translate when you receive emails in another language. After the desktop app, the Gmail mobile app now also gets a translation function.

The functionality to translate emails into a language of your choice has been around in the desktop version of Gmail for a while, but in the mobile version you had to rely on your best language skills or a translation app. There Google brings with one Workspace blog change in. The mobile app also gets built-in Google Translate integration for translating emails.

The translation function appears between the sender and the email content. You can change the source language and the language of your choice. The drop-down list appears automatically when you receive an email in a different language than the one you set as default in the settings.

by all languages

Gmail’s Translate feature supports all languages ​​that are also available in Translate. So you can convert emails from any language into Dutch. After that you can always reset the email to the original language. So you no longer have to cut and paste text into a translation app or take a paper dictionary on hand, if you still have it.

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Google is gradually rolling out the feature to all mobile users. Android is the first to act, but iOS users usually won’t have to wait long. The feature is available to both paying Google Workspace users and free private accounts.

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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