The main British customs system appears to be overburdened

Problems with border measures between the UK and the European Union due to Brexit continue to grow. Now an important UK customs system is at risk of being overloaded. British exporters report that they are increasingly struggling to obtain the correct paperwork to transfer their goods to the European Union without delay. This is because, in their opinion, there are not enough employees with the authority to supply them.

According to some UK exporters, transit documents are now nearly impossible to obtain. “Nobody gets any models anymore,” says a freight forwarder in Liverpool who exports cars and machinery, among other things. We have already had to turn down hundreds of requests. ”

British Customs is aware of the problem. Difficulties may be due to the recent update of the computer system. According to customs, the delay can be compensated within a week.

The European Union is Great Britain’s largest trading partner, accounting for 43 percent of the country’s exports in 2019. Before Brexit, it took much less effort to export goods because paperwork was not required at all. Companies are now facing delays due to missing or incorrectly completed forms.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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