The Minister of Health after a critical report: – The package operation is not a magic formula وصفة

On Wednesday, Dagens Medisin reported a reassessment of the package’s activities to treat mental health and substance abuse.

This review is the second in a row since the package’s operations were launched two years ago. The first evaluation, which looks at the experiences of professionals, came a year ago – and was very significant.

lack of information flow
This latest evaluation highlights the experiences of users and family members with package operations.

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Mental health package criticized in new report

Also in this report, users and relatives do not have many positive experiences to report: they suffer from a lack of communication and information flow, among other things. They say they are afraid to give honest feedback about treatment because they are afraid of losing the treatment offer if they are critical.

Great belief in success
Minister Bint Howie (H) of VWS acknowledges that there is still a way to go:

Although there are many of them, I am very confident that we will succeed in the mental health and substance abuse package, as we did in the field of cancer. The evaluation shows that there is high agreement about the goals among users, professionals, and family members. I’m particularly happy that users see aggregations as a positive thing that helps advance their rights. This is the most important thing, he wrote in an email to Dagens Medisin.

Through this review, which includes interviews with users and professionals, we can better understand what is needed to further improve the overall presentation of patients with psychiatric and substance use disorders, and to ensure predictability and safety.

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– Høie says it takes time to implement new systems and new ways of working.

There is no magic formula
It indicates that the package process is one of the actions to achieve QoS:

There is no magic formula, but packages are tools that organize services better, says Høie.

GGZ: – What do we gain?
GGZ Secretary-General Tove Gundersen called the report’s findings “extremely tragic”. It denies that they have run out of patience with expectations of package operations, which came two years ago.

– It’s been several years since I got a call about introducing packages. “We’ve been systematically working on this for a number of years,” says Gundersen.

Here is the basic question: What do we gain?

The report shows that in the health hierarchy, people with mental health and substance use issues continue to be given low priority and far from the measure of prestige we as a society choose to solve for these problems, Gundersen adds.

– clear message
The Norwegian Psychological Association believes that the report represents a “clear message to health authorities that packetization processes have not yet served as a tool to solve the major challenges we face in the service”:

Increasing the quality of service requires a more complex approach than is expected from the package process. We need enough people and time to actually listen to users, department chair Kim Edgar Carlsen of the Society of Psychologists at Dagens Medicine said Wednesday.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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