The new French government proposed: a lot of experience with a twist of surprise

It may seem strange to us Flemings that there is already a new government, even before the parliamentary elections. But this is normal in France. First of all, the president does not have to wait for difficult coalition talks, he (who knows one day) can put together his team in almost all cases.

Provided, of course, that Macron and the parties around him – they come under the name Squad – She managed to secure a majority in the June parliamentary elections. Polls still indicate that this should work in principle.

But what does the Left coalition led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon-Nobis stand for? Nouvelle Union Popular Environmental and Social He still hopes to get a left-wing majority. And so we hope that after June 19 this government will be replaced by a new left-wing team.

In any case, the lineup presented today is only an interim government. Because even if Emmanuel Macron and his coalition achieve an absolute majority, there is still a real chance that the government reshuffle will continue. A number of ministers are running in the parliamentary elections. It is possible that no one who has been nominated and has not won a seat in June will be allowed to remain minister for long. And yes, that even applies to Prime Minister Elizabeth Bourne.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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