The painful conclusion of the leaked European document: a complete adult …

The European Union’s ambition to give all adults in Europe the first chance could not be fulfilled by early summer. This is evidenced by the predictions of a leaked document, the Iraqi News Agency Bloomberg I have got. It is also not possible in our country by the end of June, so the date of July 11 set in Flanders may not come true either.

The goal of the European Union was to give the adult population of all member states at least a first chance by the end of June. That would be great news for a somewhat freer summer encounter. Unfortunately, this is practically impossible, according to the accompanying leaked document Bloomberg Expired. According to the predictions contained in the European Parliament document, not even one country will succeed in achieving this goal.

Influence on AstraZeneca

The numbers in the document clearly show that the five countries that consciously bought less of the more expensive Pfizer vaccine and more of the cheaper AstraZeneca are now falling behind. These are Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, and Slovakia. As a result, 45, 50, 45, 53 and 46 percent of the adult population, respectively, will have had at least one first injection by the end of June. To date, AstraZeneca has delivered only 30 of the promised 120 million doses, while Pfizer delivers seamlessly.

The difference is big with Malta, Denmark and Germany, for example. There they choose Pfizer more than anywhere else. This is also evident from the numbers cited in the leaked document. It shows the number of Pfizer vaccines ordered and the number of other European Union vaccines, expressed as a percentage. Slovakia, for example, has 56.2 percent of Pfizer, compared to 147.7 percent in Malta, 126.4 percent in Denmark, and 111.2 percent in Germany. By the end of June, these countries are expected to have vaccinated a much higher proportion of their adult population. Denmark will account for 79.88%, Malta 93.10% and Germany 61.04%.

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How about Belgium?

Our country is exactly on average when it comes to Pfizer vaccines. 6.5 doses are required in the first two quarters, which is 99.3% compared to other countries. As a result, the number of adults in our country will reach 57.45 percent with at least one dose by the end of June. Wouter Beck’s date for the vaccination of every adult in Flanders, July 11, appears not possible.

The European Commission announced on Wednesday that more than 100 million vaccines had been delivered in European Union member states in the first quarter of the year. The pace is expected to accelerate in the second quarter, reaching 360 million doses by summer.

Over the eighties

There were more causes for the gloom on Wednesday. After all, the European Union missed the first goal it set itself: vaccinating 80 percent of all people over the age of 80 in the European Union by the end of March. Combined, member states will amount to only 59.8 percent.

Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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