The Resident Evil Showcase is set for January 21 and features a Resident Evil Village trailer, gameplay, and news of the franchise.

Capcom will host a vampire View on Jan 21 at 2:00 PM PDT / 5:00 PM ET Where a guided tour will be shared in Resident Evil Village Including a new trailer, world-first gameplay, and “more” news related to vampire Franchise. You will be able to view it on YouTubeAnd the TwitchAnd the The social networking site FacebookAnd and Twitter.

Capcom is too Accepting requests For a “closed beta test to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the.” vampireWhich will be playable on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. More details about the game in question will be announced during vampire Show. The test itself will take place from January 28-30.

Resident Evil Village Scheduled for release on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC in 2021.

Watch a trailer below.

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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