The Taliban asks for help from the European Union to manage the airports

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The Taliban have asked the European Union to help keep Afghan airports running so that those who want to leave can do so. This question arose during the Doha talks, according to EU reports.

Source: Belgian

“The Afghan delegation affirmed its commitment to ensuring and facilitating the safe passage of foreigners and Afghans wishing to leave the country,” she said in a statement issued by the European External Action Service (EEAS). This is why it is so important that Afghan airports remain open.

The document stated that the Taliban also promised to honor its pledge to grant amnesty to Afghans who acted against it.

human rights

In addition to the humanitarian situation in the country. It gets worse as winter approaches. The European Union pledged to continue providing humanitarian assistance.

The European Union urged the Taliban to form an “inclusive government”, encourage democracy and ensure equal access to education for girls. The union suggested that if the Taliban adhere to the terms and conditions of the EU, they could allocate additional resources, but only if they “directly benefit the Afghan people”.

The Taliban reiterated that it would respect human rights “in accordance with the principles of Islam.”

no confession

The European Union said that does not mean that it recognizes the interim government of the Taliban because they are now holding talks.

The United States will resume talks with the Taliban in Qatar this week.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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