The title song is written and the Christmas story plays in high heat …

Pommelien Thijs (right) gave the title song to The Claus Family. “After a week and a half, I had to pull a sick enemy.”
Foto: Netflix

Saturday night passes the Sinterklaas with their fungi over the roofs, on Monday Santa Claus is ready to take over the torch. Then it appears The Close Family On Netflix. She also appears in the Christmas movie, alongside Jean Declair and Jose Huisman: Pomelaine Theis, well-known from the Ketnet series. #Like me. I also wrote the movie’s title song, It is still here. “By the way, it was recorded in my bedroom.”

Pomelaine Thighs (19) should sing The Close Family So it just needs to be done during the credits. Fortunately, because on the set of filming, she and the other actors were already sweaty anyway. The movie might be shot during the Christmas season, but it was shot last summer. In the middle of a heat wave. “The snow, the lights, the warm sweaters, everything looks beautiful in the movie,” says Bumelian. “But the temperature in the group was unbearable. We had a tough job, wearing those three layers of costumes.”

The title song written and the Christmas story played in a scorching heatwave: Pommelien Thijs from
Still here, Pommelien was inspired by the central idea of ​​the film: dealing with loss.
Foto: Netflix

But once the cameras stopped running, Pommelien’s work wasn’t done. I also wrote the title song for the movie, It is still here. “They asked me that after the shooting, but then a lot of people have to give their approval first. When I finally got the green light, I only had a week and a half to compose that song. Illness the enemy. “

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In this fast race, she enlisted the help of her teammates Francisco Schuchter and Joey Cowan #Like me. “You hear them too, then Vocals support. This little number unexpectedly In my bedroom, but I’m very satisfied with the result. It carries a certain Christmas feel, but is not lavish. You won’t hear bells and triangles, I’m not a fan of that. For me, Christmas is about an idea, this feeling of teamwork. Not all the frills are around it. Hopefully the song could also stand on its own, so I was mainly inspired by the main theme: Dealing with Loss. Everyone can agree to that in some way. ”

Read also. # LikeMe Pommelien and Camille also record their own music

The Claus Family will be released on Netflix on December 7th.

Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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