The United Kingdom is investing over M 100 million …

The United Kingdom plans to invest $ 100 million (approximately $ 111 million) in a new student transfer program following the country’s withdrawal from the European Erasmus program.

Boris Johnson calls Erasmus too expensive and chose not to participate anymore. The British, named after British computer engineer Alan Turing, want to set up an alternative for their youth.

The British Ministry of Education said the touring program would enable about 35,000 students to study abroad from September. The project will receive $ 100 million in the 2021-22 academic year.

“We have developed a genuine international plan in line with our priorities, providing value for money and a key part of our commitment to take the UK to the next level,” said Gavin Williamson, Secretary of Education.

The Ministry of Education has stated that the purpose of this program is to support students from backward backgrounds.

Many British youth and European academics mourn the end of Erasmus. Scottish leader Nicola Sturgeon also spoke about ‘cultural carnality’.

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Ferdinand Woolridge

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