The upcoming Epyc lineup was shared on Twitter: The top-of-the-line 9754 has 128 cores

yuuki_ans has A full lineup of Epyc processors coming from AMD shared on Twitter. The top model, Epyc 9754, has at least 128 cores; double what came before.

The new Epyc lineup.

It appears that the fourth generation of Epyc server processors will consist of 16 models. The entry level model, Epyc 9124, actually contains 16 cores. 96-core 9654, which we saw pictures of last month (which also came from yuuki_ans by the way), is also in there.

Epycs cache.

In another image, we also see the cache size: 256MB in the case of 9754. The 9654 has a little more space: 384MB. During 2023, 3D versions of the Epycs cache are also expected, which will contain more than a gigabyte of cache.

Assuming the screenshots are real, they appear to be documents from AMD itself, with a so-called “NDA” (Non-Disclosure Agreement). So no one committed to it.

New Epycs are expected to appear at the end of this year. Videocardz already contains a file Nice overview From all the information known so far:

During video card.

TwitterAnd the video card

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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