The West denounces the recognition of the People’s Republics, and the European Union and the United States announce the imposition of sanctions

The European Union plans to impose sanctions on Russia over its recognition of the “people’s republics” of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine. This is what the presidents of the European Commission and the European Council say In a joint statement

The statement did not mention the consequences of the sanctions. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the recognition, this evening, in a lengthy speech, in which he repeatedly referred to the past to justify his decision.

According to Prime Minister Rutte, it is about a “limited package of sanctions”, he said on Tonight’s Talk Show Jenk† These actions target the Russians involved in the decision to grant recognition and against the rulers of Donetsk and Luhansk. Rutte described the sanctions as a “warning” for Putin in the event of an invasion of Ukraine. Then a “huge package of sanctions” is ready.

United States, in a statement issued by White House Also impose penalties. It would be illegal for Americans to do any business with Donetsk and Luhansk. It will also follow other unspecified procedures. The White House said these are different sanctions and measures from US plans to take if Russia invades Ukraine.

Hoekstra condemns Russian action

The Russian recognition also caused misfortune among other Western leaders. French President Macron wants the United Nations Security Council to meet. German Chancellor Schulz described the move as a violation of the 2014 and 2015 Minsk accords, which agreed on a ceasefire between Ukraine and the separatists.

According to NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg, Russia is trying to find an excuse to invade Ukraine.

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The Dutch foreign minister, Wopke Hoekstra, says on Twitter condemns the Russian action. He is not talking about sanctions. He says the Dutch response will be coordinated with NATO and the European Union. Western leaders also speak of a “violation of international law”.

Biden call

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson described the Russian move as “bad news”: “It has become clear that we need to apply as much pressure as possible because it is hard to see how this situation can improve.” The United Kingdom also imposes sanctions. Which one will be announced tomorrow?

Poland and Latvia, two countries that feel threatened by Russia, like Ukraine, reacted forcefully. Both countries want immediate sanctions against Russia. Latvia also decided to supply Ukraine with anti-tank weapons.

Ukrainian President Zelensky has yet to respond substantively to Russia’s recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk. He says he spoke on the phone with US President Biden. Zelensky said on Twitter that a meeting with Boris Johnson was scheduled for a later time.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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