There are no players in the Premier League in Denmark and Sweden International football

The United Kingdom closed its borders to travelers from Denmark with immediate effect on Saturday. UK citizens and holders of a valid visa are permitted to travel to the UK from Denmark. They must be quarantined for a period of 14 days.

The new measures will prevent Casper Schmeichel (Leicester), Jonas Losel (Everton), Andreas Christensen (Chelsea), Yannick Westergaard (Southampton), Henrik Dalsgaard (Brentford), Matthias Jensen (Brentford) and Pierre Emil Hogberg (Tottenham) to Denmark. Against Sweden.

The Swedes have to do without Victor Lindelof (Manchester United), Robin Olsen (Everton), Emile Cravth (Newcastle) and Ken Sima (Watford). Philip Hillander, who plays for Rangers in Scotland, isn’t there either.

The national coaches of Denmark and Sweden called up a group of substitutes. This includes many players from their national competitions.

“When players have to go into quarantine for more than 5 days, the clubs are not obligated to release their players,” the Swedish Federation said in a press release. According to the Swedish Federation, players who play in the United Kingdom for the Nations League matches against Croatia (14/11) and France (11/17) will be abandoned.

Denmark also hopes to count on its Premier League players and the championship in the crucial matches in the Nations League against Iceland (11/15 in Copenhagen) and the Red Devils (11/18 in Leuven). “It is vitally important that we can form the strongest team we can against Iceland and Belgium,” says national team coach Casper Hajulmand.

The Danish Federation regrets that in the meantime there has been no clear communication from the UK about the extent to which travel restrictions apply to Danish foreigners.

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Amber Webster

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