These are the most common mistakes while walking

Walking is very healthy, but it’s also something you sometimes do without even thinking about it. consequence? You are taking the wrong posture while walking and these “mistakes” can cause complaints.

We list the most common mistakes while walking.

1. You look down

You may have noticed that while walking – especially on your daily commute to work or the supermarket – you often look down. And admit it: in most cases you look at your phone. This stresses not only your neck, but also your back. It eventually leads to muscle tension and fatigue. Try to look at your phone a lot while walking and enjoy the view, because that way you will instantly walk straighter.

2. Put your feet too hard

Walking is good for your muscles, bones and joints. But if you do it in a very clumsy way, for example by pressing hard on your feet, it can put more stress on your connective tissue and joints. What you can do best is to take “soft” steps by landing on your heels first and then rolling onto your toes.

3. Your steps are too big

Big strides, fast home. Very useful if you are in a hurry or walking next to someone who is faster, but it is not really healthy. Instead of walking faster—a good way to make walking more intense—many people take longer steps. This can be very stressful on the ankles, knees and hips. So, even if you run faster, your steps remain about the same.

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4. Your toes are pointing

Another common mistake when walking: Your toes aren’t hip-width apart. Such a “wide” move can put more stress on the joints and eventually cause problems. Research shows that people who are particularly overweight adopt this attitude. To avoid problems, you can choose to walk a little slower or be more aware of your step.

5. You don’t pay attention to your torso

You probably don’t pay much attention to him while walking, but the position of your torso is also important. A strong torso ensures better posture and stability. So don’t forget your stance regularly at the store window. Roll your shoulders back, keep your head straight and tighten your abdominal muscles.

6. Forget to move your arms

Good to know: Research shows that you walk slower if you reduce the swing of your arms. Walking slower means less challenge and fewer calories burned. You don’t really have to swing your arms excessively, this is allowed in a natural way.

source | healthy
picture | Getty Images

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