This is what your eyelashes say about your health

On average, we blink about 10,000 to 15,000 times a day. Most of the time we don't notice it ourselves. But what does it say about your health if you suddenly blink more or less?

Why do we blink?

It is very important that it flashes enough. Blinking keeps your eyes moist and clean. Moreover, it ensures that we continue to see clearly. If your vision is often blurry, it may be because you're blinking too little. Blinking also gives your brain a break. While blinking, you lose your attention for a split second. However, blinking only takes 0.1 seconds, making it one of the fastest movements a human can perform. On average, people blink every 3 to 6 seconds.

Do we blink at random times?

No, the moments we blink are not completely random. Although we usually don't realize that we are blinking, we seem to do so more often at certain times. For example, we do up to 70 percent less when we look at a screen. While reading, we often blink at the end of a sentence, and even when we speak we often do so between sentences.

You can recognize secret signals by paying close attention to another person's blinking behavior. If your conversation partner suddenly closes his eyes longer while blinking, he or she probably thinks you're taking too long. If a person suddenly blinks less while speaking, he or she may be lying. When you lie, your brain is so busy, it forgets to blink, so to speak. So it often happens that someone suddenly blinks more often in a row after lying.

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Consequences of blinking too much or too little

Of course, there is no need to worry if you are blinking more or less often, but it is wise to keep an eye on it. Structurally less blinking can be a symptom of some diseases. For example, people with Parkinson's disease spontaneously blink less often, which can cause their vision to become blurry. A person having a stroke may temporarily blink less frequently and their vision suddenly becomes blurred. If you naturally blink very little, you can try being more aware of this temporarily. After a while this will happen automatically again. Blinking often ensures that you see better and prevents fatigue.

If your eyelashes are structurally higher than average, this may be a symptom of blepharospasm, a neurological disorder. Your brain can then send wrong signals to your eyes, for example. In a severe case of blepharospasm, you may find it difficult to open your eyes after blinking. People with Sjögren's syndrome also blink more often to compensate for their dry eyes. However, frequent flashing is usually completely harmless. This happens, for example, when we want to stay focused while we are tired.

Make an appointment with your GP or ophthalmologist in good time if you are concerned about your eyes.

(Source: Telegraaf, UMC Utrecht, Oogfonds, VisionDirect, Visus Eye Clinic, NatuurZien. Image: Shutterstock)

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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