Langemark-Poelkapelle Staff Course with Tandem 10 Days of Mental Health

The staff of the municipality of Langemark-Poelkapelle show their talent and organize various activities for colleagues during the “10 days of mental health”. From calligraphy and hairdressing to cycling and Zumba. “Thanks to a survey, we can discuss psychosocial well-being among employees,” says staff member Laurent Hoornaert Alderman.

Langmark-Bulkapelle City Council wants to focus more on psychosocial well-being in the workplace. “Happiness at work is more productive and motivating. Mayor Dominique Cools (N-VA) says an organization that works with healthy people also stays healthy in all kinds of areas. In 2020, board staff completed a survey in which working conditions, organization and terms of employment were discussed,” says Mayor Dominique Cools (N-VA) Employment and work content. By presenting the results to employees, we made psychosocial well-being a topic of discussion. The results formed the basis for the risk analysis with which actions were taken to improve well-being at work.”

Health Workgroup

In 2021, a healthy working group was established to conduct small and large activities for all 214 employees of the Board of Directors. “The working group focuses on several areas, from healthy food where local merchants bring fruit to the workplace every month, to exercise at work by organizing a tiered clash and mental health by organizing workshops on the topic,” adds Ships of the staff. Laurent Hoornaert (top 8920).

talent exchange

The activities of employees and by them during the 10-day event is the latest initiative of the working group. “In addition to sports activities such as badminton and Zumba, activities in which employees can display their talents have also been selected,” says prevention consultant Leif Heimrick. “When employees were asked about their talents, surprising answers appeared: calligraphy, hairdressing, jewelry making, hand lettering … By sharing these talents, you can meet not only new colleagues, but also trusted colleagues in a completely different way.” ( TOGH)

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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