Three cyclist tourists rushed to hospital after a swarm of hornets attacked in France: ‘They stabbed more than 50’ | Abroad

FranceIn France’s Loire region, three cyclists were taken to hospital on Sunday after being attacked by a group of hornets. The insects are said to have bitten two of them, two men aged 51 and 72, more than 50 times. This is what the French newspaper “Le Progrès” wrote.


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Le Progrès, Le Parisien, De Telegraaf

The cyclists were riding through a forest in the town of Brennon when they were suddenly attacked by hornets. Two of the three men were stabbed more than 50 times each.

Dozens of firefighters and three ambulances arrived at the scene and the victims were immediately taken to hospital. Emergency services said they had never seen such an incident. Two of the three men were in very bad shape, and the third was stabbed “only” a dozen times.

explained. How do you recognize the Asian hornet?

According to experts, hornet attacks are very rare. “Asian hornets, like bees, generally do not attack humans. They only do so if they want to defend their nest or if they feel threatened. A specific smell can also bother them. The attack usually occurs when a person or other intruder is within two to three meters of the The nest,” French beekeeper Béric Marnat explains to Le Progrès. “It is true that the hymen is stressed faster and more aggressively due to the constant dehydration and associated deficiency,” he continues.

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A man died in Austria

Last Friday, a 58-year-old man died in Austria after being attacked by a swarm of hornets. According to the Austrian website “OE24”, the man, a hunter, was walking in a forest when suddenly insects stung him. When emergency services arrived, the man was no longer conscious. He died in hospital later that evening.

Read also:

Flemish government releases 130 thousand euros to fight Asian hornets: “We will change the speed”

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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