Tonight is a golden duel between Tia Hellepot and Kim Gevert…

So nervous tonight at the Container Cup because two of the best athletes in Belgian athletics history will be pitted against each other in a head-to-head duel: Tia Hellepot and Kim Gevert. We spoke to the two Olympic champions just before they entered the container.


Tia Hellebut (video above)

High jump, all-around athlete

age: 43

Length: 1 m 82

Weight: 75kg

Resting heart rate: 70

Palmares: Olympic high jump champion (2008), pentathlon world champion (2008), two-time European high jump champion (2006, 2007), 26 Belgian titles, female athlete of the year (2008)

Tia Hellebutt has now received an eight-year sports pension. “I’m still trying to play tennis and jog at low power. So I’m curious about what you’re going to offer in the container. I got a phone call five weeks ago to participate and tried a few things. But the preparation time was a bit short and the intensity of the trials was pretty high compared to what I was used to. No High jumpers should be able to do a lot. They have to walk five steps and get up.” In a video interview, Hellebaut also ventured to predict her duel with Kim Gevaert and also talks about Nafi Thiam’s high jump abilities.

© Reuters

Kim Gevert (video above)

enemy star

age: 42

Length: 1 m 70

Weight: 62 kg

Resting heart rate: 72

Palmares: Olympic 4x100m Champion (2008), European 100m and 200m Champion (2006), European Triple Champion 60m (2002, 2005, 2007), Vice World Champion 60m (2004), 27 Belgian titles

Kim Gevaert is also trying to maintain her condition after her athletic retirement. “I do sports three times a week. I will play tennis, do Pilates and walk in the woods.” Don’t expect the former 100m champion to do well on the 1500m treadmill. “Of course this is something completely different from jogging. I am curious how it will go.” You can find out in the video what she predicted her duel with Tia Hellebaut and whether they had already made fun of each other.

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Watch the episode of De Container Cup with Tia Hellebaut and Kim Gevaert tonight at 7:50 PM on Play4.

(Martin Delvaux)

Amber Webster

 "Freelance zombie fanatic. Devoted web advocate. Analyst. Writer. Coffee fanatic. Travelaholic. Proud food aficionado."

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