Trump wanted to nullify the elections with a new minister

American media write this, including The York Times and The Washington Post. Trump reportedly abandoned the plan when he was told that all employees would resign immediately if he put it into practice.

Trump would have come up with his idea because he was so upset that the Judicial Summit refused to nullify the election results. He received support in Rosen’s plan to resign from Jeffrey Clark, the Justice Department attorney who supported Trump’s claim that the election was stolen.

Trump lost the election in Georgia by a narrow margin to Joe Biden. He claimed that he had provided evidence that he had been the victim of widespread electoral fraud, but had not provided any evidence.

In early January Leaked audio recording Then Trump pressured the Georgia chief of elections to “find enough votes” to back off the defeat, causing an uproar and panic in Washington.


The message is bad news for Trump in the run-up to his impeachment in the US Senate. Democrats and some Republicans blame Trump for the violent behavior of his fans. They talk about an attack on democracy.

Chuck Schumer, the leader of the Democrats in the Senate, said the alleged impeachment process is expected to begin in the week beginning February 8. That party wanted the trial to begin early, but Republican leader Mitch McConnell called on them to delay the trial until mid-February to give Trump more time to prepare for his defense. In the end, a compromise was found.

The question is whether Trump will really be impeached. 67 senators must vote in favor of it. This means that 17 Republicans need to be convinced. Despite the fact that Trump can no longer be removed from office, this process has not only symbolic value. Trump could lose his presidential pension if convicted. Nor will he be permitted again to hold public office.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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