100 questions at the climate assistance desk

Almost three months later, the climate assistance desk has arrived at 100 questions. In this help desk, scientists search for answers to all questions related to climate or climate change. Eric Van Sebel is one of the initiators, happy with the input.

“The nice thing is that there are very different questions,” he explains News & Associates. “Some of them are very practical: How can I better put solar panels on my roof?” In my area of ​​expertise, someone has asked about the difference between plastic soup and climate change.

This answer turned out to be very complex. “Both have to do with fossil fuels. In plastic soup, you can see it in the pictures, on the beach and in the garden, but you can’t see the carbon dioxide. If we see carbon dioxide as a purple cloud, for example, we’ll do more.?”


Van Sebel is an oceanographer and climate researcher at Utrecht University. It is not the only Climate Scientist affiliated with the platform. More than 50 experts in different fields answer the questions.

“Just like in science, we also work with peer reviews when answered. One expert answers a question and then another expert looks at that answer again to verify if it was the correct answer,” Van Sebel explains.

Although there are 100 questions now, the Climate Helpdesk doesn’t intend to stop at the moment. “We have an incredibly passionate group of scientists who are happy to answer the questions. I think we can get them to do more work.”

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Megan Vasquez

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