Two students promise 12-year-old girls to go to school | Abroad

Mujahid said that the Ministry of Education is working on a new procedure to enable female students to continue their education.

Since the Islamists took power in mid-August, girls as young as 12 are no longer able to go to school. Mujahid explained that the future rules are aimed at ensuring that the educational environment for girls and women, and their way to it, is safe. The government hopes to address this “important issue” as soon as possible.

The Taliban shouted High school Last week to reopen for boys. All public, private and public religious schools have been reopened along with other educational institutions. Schoolgirls are not mentioned.

New rules have also been applied to universities since the Taliban took power. Women can continue their education, but only if they are veiled and separated from the men in their class. Previously, students and students could receive education together, without a dress code. The new measures were met with heavy criticism internationally, but also within the country itself.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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