On Wednesday, two tourists were seen tearing electric-powered surfboards through the canals of Venice. The city’s mayor, Luigi Brugnaro, took to Twitter to demand that the “goofs” be tracked down. Brugnaro wrote: “These two are the idiots who have shamed this city.” I ask everyone to help us identify and punish them. Mayors urgently need more powers with regard to public safety.” He promised dinner to whomever could give him the crucial tip.
Ecco due imbecilli prepotenti che si fanno beffa della città … chiedo a tutti di aiutarci an individuarli per punirli anche le nostre armi sono davvero spuntate … urgent servono più poteri ai Sindaci in full list!
A chi li individua offro una cena! pic.twitter.com/DV2ONO3hUs– Luigi Brugnaro August 17 2022
He didn’t have to wait long for that. The two tourists were arrested on Friday. They received an exorbitant bill for their work: a fine of 1,500 euros each. Their electric surfboards, valued at around €25,000, were also confiscated. The identity of the two has not been revealed. Their consulate has been notified.
It fits with the policy that Brugnaro has been trying to pursue in Venice in recent years. Authorities are increasingly strict against misbehaving tourists. Anyone swimming in the canals, walking around topless, or feeding pigeons risks a (heavy) fine. Many city dwellers are completely tired of tourists and their excesses.