UK extends powers to stop illegal boats

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak wants to end “immoral” illegal immigration. So his government is preparing to unveil new powers to crack down on the small boats that cross the canal.

Home Secretary Soella Braverman was due to propose the legislation on Tuesday, which is said to make asylum claims inadmissible for those who have traveled to Britain on a small boat. Minister Braverman would then be required to deport everyone who illegally arrives in Rwanda “within an acceptable time” (The UK has a deal with the African country to house migrants there while their asylum applications are processed, editor.) or another “safe third country”. Those arriving will also not be allowed to claim asylum in the UK and there are plans to prevent them from returning at all.

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Sunak said the new authorities are a step towards his promise to “stop the boats once and for all”. “Illegal immigration is not fair to British taxpayers, it is not fair to those who arrive here legally and it is not good for criminal gangs to continue their immoral trade,” the prime minister said in a statement. mail on sunday.

Talk to Macron

According to the British newspaper, Sunak will indeed hold a telephone consultation with French President Emmanuel Macron tomorrow. In any case, consultations are scheduled for Friday between the UK and France on the illegal immigration route through the Channel.

According to the latest figures from the UK Home Office, 2,950 migrants have already crossed in small boats this year. Sunak is under a lot of pressure from his fans to stand up to illegal immigration. However, the plans are also criticized because the question arises whether the plans are compatible with the European Convention on Human Rights. However, Sunak and Braverman are confident they can get around these objections.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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